Environmental-Based Dilemma and Kant’s Ethics Essay

March 31, 2022 by Essay Writer


Bp oil spill was a major disaster on the environment, which made the Americans recommend criminal charges. Many people criticized the way the oil spill was handled by the federal government and their rating was negative. The response of BP had more criticism where negative rating was 81% while 64% had the opinion that BP together with involved companies was supposed to have criminal charges. The public image of BP was damaged due to unnecessary risks it took together with the partners who were drilling which contributed to the spill.

The spill resulted in the closure of fisheries, oiling of wildlife, and the beaches were fouled resulting in dismay of the public due to the damage. The officials of the aquarium discussed sponsorship of BP to have another venue but the BP name was to be retained. After the spill, there was a forum on how to drill ocean oil but there was a challenge on the way forward. The process of making decisions was not easy by the institutions that were not aiming to make a profit.

How to solve the dilemma using Kant’s ethics (categorical imperative)

The government of the United States should request BP to pay compensation because of the damages it caused which will be morally acceptable. This is because Companies cannot be allowed to damage the environment, affect the economy as well as third parties. If this is allowed, companies would be concerned with profit maximization while causing harm to the environment and citizens. The government should intervene by charging BP all the losses it caused the stakeholders who were affected by the accident to compensate them for the damages. According to Categorical imperative, every dilemma should have an end solution but not a means to a solution. The government of the United States is capable of solving the problem of the BP oil spill by choosing the proper option and considering its consequences. (Ruggiero, 2007).

How to solve the dilemma using any other method we have discussed to date

The dilemma can be solved through virtue ethics where people can be educated and natured properly. People should be taught how to be responsible for good traits, which includes intellectual and personal traits. To solve the dilemma of the BP oil spill, specific virtues are required by the government of the United States. This will depend on how the government will be responsible to assist the society, environment as well as the citizens. The government should estimate the losses incurred and charge the company for the damages to the stakeholders and the environment. Prudence is necessary for proper judgment to be made while trust helps to ensure that the problem is solved thoroughly.

State which resolution (Kant’s or the other one you chose) you prefer and why

The government should solve the problem using virtue ethics through cooperation strategy by raising funds from volunteers and request citizens to donate funds to help in the recovery of the environment. This will help to fully mitigate the damages that the oil spill caused and ensure that the company does not have an internal crisis. This will show how responsible and trustworthy the United States government is to the corporations, companies as well as the citizens. When categorical imperative is considered, the process of cleaning the sea may be slowed down because, more emphasis on the actions and not the consequence will make it impossible to have a strategy that will have benefited in the future (Ruggiero, 2007).


Ruggiero, V. (2007). Critical thinking about ethical issues 7th edition. Bantam: Paperback.

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