What’s the Party and Who is Big Brother in “1984”

March 10, 2022 by Essay Writer

There are two parts to the Party, there is the Inner Party and the Outer Party, there is also the Proles. The Inner Party is commonly known as, the Party. They are the upper class of Oceania. The Inner Party only makes up 2% of the population of Oceania, they are also the rulers. So they are one of the most powerful people of Oceania. The Inner Party have different privileges than the Outer Party and the Proles, such as being able to temporarily turn off their telescreens, live in nice and comfortable homes; have good food and drinks, have personal servants and, also have access to helicopters and automobiles. Nobody from the Outer Party and the Proles may enter Inner Party neighborhoods without a very good reason. They will also treat the Inner Party members like if they were part of any other class in Oceania, if they do something bad or break one of the laws. The Party deals with out of line people, mainly through torture, imprisonment and/or being erased from history.

The Outer Party is given state administrative jobs and are composed of the more educated members of society. Winston is part of the Outer Party. They are responsible for the direct implementation of the Party’s policies but have no say. They are the “artificial middle class” and have strict rules applied to them. They are spied on via telescreens and other means of surveillance, also being encouraged to spy on each other for any suspicious activities. According to history, the middle class is the most dangerous. With their intellectual ability with limited power means they are more likely to have revolutionaries and anarchist in the Outer Party and also, more likely to start a revolution against the upper classes. The Outer Party is required to have a constant patriotic frenzy for the Party, following blindly every order from them. They live in rundown neighborhoods and are subjected to rations to an almost ongoing state of starvation. They are also required to abstain from sex unless it’s for procreative purposes. So the Outer Party is like most of us in the world. The lower class of workers that perform the majority of menial tasks and labours. They are in the poorest of conditions, but have the most freedom of any other classes in that the Party does not spy on them, thinking they aren’t worth it.

The Party keeps the Proles entertained by giving them alcohol, gambling, sports, and fabricated novels and pornography, called “prolefeed”. They are kept uneducated and are considered unable to gain any sophisticated views of their lives or the society they live in. They are considered harmless, and nothing, but animals. Some members of the Thought Police wander around the prole neighborhoods to see if any of them are displaying intelligence and if so they are taken away and vaporized. The Proles make up 85% of the population. In his diary Winston writes, “If there is any hope, it lies with the Proles.”

Now let’s talk about Big Brother. Big Brother is the leader of Oceania. He is kind of like the Prime Minister or the President, but worse so basically Donald Trump. The Party spies on the Outer and Inner Party. They especially watch Winston very closely. They watch Winston’s every move, so Winston has to be careful on what he does and says. They watch everybody in Oceania through telescreens, but only the Inner Party can turn them off.

Who’s the Brotherhood

The Brotherhood is the name of a secret organization whose job is to try and bring down the Party. The leader of the Brotherhood is Emmanuel Goldstein. Whether or not the Brotherhood really exists it is not 100% clear, but it is doubtful that it exists. More than likely, the brotherhood, as well as Goldstein are made up by the government or the Party of Oceania as means of trying to seek out revolutionaries and anarchists. Also by letting people believe that Emmanuel Goldstein and the Brotherhood really exist and by showing people the terrible fate that will happen to those who try and join or associate with the Brotherhood.

This might be how the Party keeps people in line. People sometimes see or hear about the tortures carried out against anyone who tries to go against the Party and their fear of that happening to them keeps them from going against the Party. In the story, Winston tries to join the Brotherhood and that is how O’Brien traps Winston and Julia who eventually are tortured into liking Big Brother and the Party. Essentially then, the Brotherhood is merely bait dangled by the Party to catch those who might want to overthrow the government.

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