The Ways Video Games Influence Learning Process

July 6, 2022 by Essay Writer

Imagine a future where sitting home and enjoying yourself with entertainment could lead to learning comparable to that experienced in schools. A future where people enjoy learning as much as they enjoy games. The future is now and video games are an excellent way to gain knowledge and education about all types of subjects

Video games offer great entertainment and incredible potential for learning at the same time. Many games address specific problems and guide the player to find the best solution. Player’s critical thinking skills are challenged and pushed to the limit to help improve with video games.

A recent study from the Education Development Center and the U.S. Congress-supported Ready To Learn (RTL) Initiative found that a curriculum that involved digital media such as video games could improve early literacy skills. Many people still have trouble reading in our schools and video games could be a viable solution. Kids will be more inclined to participate and try to read at a younger age if they’re involved in a game. Video games and its learning abilities are tremendous tools.

Video games are a very successful learning tool because video games can easily grab the attention of children and teenagers. Video games attract people and encourage participation across almost all demographics especially with younger audiences. In order for a person to learn successfully they need to participate in the classroom and the activities which are ongoing. Video games are a very good way to attract people to participate and encourage them to give their opinions and thoughts on how to react in certain situations.

Video games can also assist people when setting goals and making a schedule of how to proceed to their goal. Goals are often hard to achieve in the real world and much planning should be involved in striving to achieve or reach a goal. Many people don’t know how to work towards a goal and need help setting objectives to build up to that goal. Video games offer build up to the goals and shows the troubles that could occur while trying to reach the goal. People who play video games can learn how to better prepare themselves for the real life goals that they wish to accomplish.

Video games offer good reinforcement for good decisions. Reinfocement is especially important for a child to know righ from wrong. Right and wrong can be identified with good and bad reinforcement. For example a bad decision may land you a day in jail while a good decision may land you safely at home in the ocmofr of your own bed. Important decisions are stressed in many video games and a single wrong choice can have bad consquences for the player. Offering good reinforcement Is useful especially to younger audiences who may struggle with good and bad reinforcemtn.

Some people say that even though studies support video games it isn’t practical for a video game to help children learn it is only for entertainment. This viewpoint is flawed for the single point that games are already benefiting students and practiconers in the medical field. Video games offers medical students the abilitu to practice on patients in a safer and digital world through simulations. Allowing the students to learn from their mistakes and never risk practicing on an actual patient. In a way the advancement of video games is saving lives by allowing only trained and proven indivudals to act on real patients the other surgeons must prove that they can handle the simulation before moving on to the real patient.

Video games can also help adults learn and process information better. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) indicates that video games can help adults process information much faster and improve their fundamental abilities to reason and solve problems in novel contexts. results from the ONR study show that video game players perform 10 percent to 20 percent higher in terms of perceptual and cognitive ability than non-game players. 20 percent is a huge increase that video games can bring to the development of learning.

Video games can also help people complete tasks better such as driving and play sports at a higher level. Hand eye correlation can improve drastically with video games. Dr. Ezriel Kornel an expert on the brain and spine stated playing certain video games can improve hand-eye coordination, enhance split-second decision making and even, potentially, boost auditory perception.(e.g. Brain Age or Guitar Hero) all have the potential to help people learn at a high level. While people strive to improve they’re improving their skill sin them the same skills that they may need to use in the real world.

Video games even have social benefits which may allow the whole family to participate and some video games show the proper ways of speech and conversation. There are many pro social video games like trivia which involves a friendly game against other people while requiring discussion forcing people to interact and learn from each other. The power of video games and its impact on learning is great in the modern era and could expand even further.

The accurate historical facts in some video games such as assasins creed can be a great learning tool while offering visual and interactions with people of certain times. Historians make out a picture of what people in the past look lked, dress liked, spoke like, and often did for entertainment and work. Video games can bring all that in an interactive digital game for people to get a first hand experience of what people in history looked like and spoke like. While offering major monumental buildings all together for a great learning experience.

Video games have a great potential to grow with the right support and may one day even make it into public schools. Remember to support video games and their advancement in society as entertainment and learning tools by going out and purchasing a video game for your loved one to learn. and logically argue for video games anywhere resistance occurs.

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