The Raven And Usage Of Allegory And Different Literary Devices

September 25, 2021 by Essay Writer

Summarize the plot of Edgar Allan Poe’s poem The Raven the poem is written in 18 stanzas the speaker of the poem reads over old books on a dreary night to his beloved Lenore he falls asleep when he hears a knock at the door run away with they’re knocking at the window and when he opens it Pallas Athena that sits above his door at first the speaker is amused by the Ravens Manor he asked the birds named replies only on the Statue the speaker mentions with a sense of Sorrow that the raven like everyone else in his life to leave him in the morning the Raven Nevermore rationalizes away the bird speaking takes a seat in front of the bird and the bust and tries to figure out what the bird means by Nevermore the narrator ruminates on his lost love Lenore who will never again sit in the chair he currently occupies he gets angry asking for a potion of some kind that will make him forget Lenore and the memories of her that torture him the Raven replies Nevermore him further the birds singular answers the weather for good and he asks the bird if he has any hope of answer is always driving the speaker into further fits of Rage one of these The Raven again says the final stanza sees the Raven still sitting in the chamber perched on the bust of Pallas Athena this speaker has succumbed fully to his despair he isn’t cold in the Ravens Shadow forever ending the morose an eloquent poem on a doomed and helpless notes.


In Edgar Allan Poe’s poem The Raven the first is the main character speaker it’s Bleak and dreary perspective narrator of the mourning the loss of his he tries to keep his mind off of her by reading but he’s beset by Melancholy thoughts of her when it for boating Raven enters his room he isn’t for and angered by its responses to his questions of Life Death in the afterlife eventually gif another important character in The Raven is well the Raven The Raven says only one word Nevermore fixed position atop a bust of the Greek god Pallas Athena above the speaker’s chamber door the bird serves as a device to explore the speaker consider how little the symbolic pitch black bird actually does the narrator’s to render to his fixated overwhelming thoughts of grief final character is Lenoir Lenoir is a young woman the narrator is grieving she finally by the narrator but she is but a memory and an important one driving the speakers emotional eloquent maddening poetic voice home romantically involved with him how tragically dad the speaker lionized her cherishing her memory refers to her as a rare and radiant Maiden


There are a few Central symbols in the poem The Raven and the first is the Raven itself gas Ravens were viewed as Messengers especially in Norse mythology where to Ravens that serve soda Nordic gods likewise to thinking speaker tortures himself with memories of his lost Lenore the raven could be a brooding physical manifestation of those memories lunges into madness The Raven also symbolizes the unconscious for the unknowable the speaker is a scholar a man of facts and logic he is rationality a sense of reality and identity flying in from a dark storm at midnight The Raven represent the unknown present at his window and its ability to speak by this reason ultimately fails him is the boss Athena the Greek goddess of wisdom is a patron of Scholars her bust represents the rational mind and logical thought the Raven lands and purchase a top the bus as the speaker attempts to ascertain the Ravens presence in his room through reasonable questions readers can see him growing more with every answer of Nevermore speakers that comes to the irrational power of the unknown is made of marble or some other palestone and the Raven is a jet black bird white and black sanity and Madness night’s plutonian Shore Messengers are harbingers of death by calling it just that ancient Greeks and Romans did not have a Christian but they did believe in a level of punishment in the Underworld and the Raven here might be like Pluto its representative


There are a few Central themes in Edgar Allan Poe’s poem The Raven the first is madness and despair actually a poetical study of despair the narrator veers further in rational thought the bust of Athena the goddess of wisdom looks down on him from the very beginning of the poem which is overcome In The End by paralytic fear and lost embodied in the dark stick figure he is not being haunted by 1 or when he opens the door to his chamber and finds no one there he tries to rationalize the sound of knocking and it’s speaking as he continues to question the bird increasingly every response is reason begins to break down and as he becomes desperate he wants a different answer to all the Ravens answers meaning by the Ravens final Nevermore he succumbs to his unhinged despair as grief has turned to Madness another important of death in the afterlife room and a chair where his beloved Lenoir once at and he’s engulfed in memories finding Solace and remembering and reading he pours over forgotten lore in memory attempting to Stave off the pain of Lenoir when the narrator revokes night’s plutonian Shore equates the Ravens presents with death that’s Pluto was Roman god of the underworld and overseer of the afterlife sushi in The Raven with Pluto suggests that the bird brings a message from Beyond as Ravens were often used as Messengers will he be reunited with Lenore in the afterlife theme in the poem is lost in grief Scholars have drawn parallels between the speaker and Poe himself who also lost his wife at a young age Empower me speak to the tragic Universal experience of losing a loved one any hope he might be reunited with one or after his own death is simmering reactions of outrage and anger I being denied what is most desired are rational human cells are answer Seekers the loss and grief aren’t categorical let alone logical additionally there’s another type of lost at work in the poem The Lost of the past Illusions made to a bygone era from the speaker reading forgotten lore to the bust of Greek gods overseeing his past show that the past is something present to the famed poet.


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