The Comparison of the Big Trip Up Yonder and the Ozymandias

March 20, 2021 by Essay Writer

“The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut and The Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley are two different literacy works which are similar but as well have differences. Although the two jobs are different in the form were on is a story, and the other is a poem, the authors have Applied different literacy skills, which make the two similar. ‘The Big Trip Up Yonder’ by Kurt Vonnegut is a story that was set during the 2158 A.D. The story was established after the introduction and invention of medicine known as the Anti-Gerasome. The medication was made from dandelions and mud. The ingredients of the medicine mean that it was inexpensive and as well widely available. The drug was seen to halt the process of ageing and as well prevent people from dying due to old age as long as they maintained the intake of the medicine. As a result, the United States is currently suffering from overpopulation, as well as the shortage of food and other resources. Observing the state except for the wealthy, the populations seem to survive on the diet foods which are processed from sawdust and seaweed.

On the other hand, The Ozymandias is a title that relates to two sonnets, and it was published in 1818. Percy Bysshe Shelley first wrote the Ozymandias. The poem was included in the Ozymandias, and it frequently became anthologized. Shelley wrote the poem in competitions. The Ozymandias is a commentary based on the ephemeral nature of political power (Philbin 31). The monarchs, dictators as well as the tyrants, are always subjecting to change. The language of the writer reflects on the dislike of the rulers.

“The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut is a short story while The Ozymandias is a poem. They both cover different themes that bring up the real picture by the author. Although various things are going on in the two literacy works more so the literacy elements, they are still different. “The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut used foreshadowing to a great extent. Foreshadowing is a skill by the author, where one predicts the future. Kurt Vonnegut uses foreshadowing to present the state of things as they may happen in the future. When the Gramps threaten to cut the ford member, this is foreshadowing as it is an indication that the Gramps assist them financially (Wells 38). The reader is in a position to learn about the will of Gramp. The situation serves as the most considerable foreshadowing in the story “The Big Trip Up Yonder.” He appears to be in a position to divorce at his will. The use of foreshadowing is different from The Ozymandias’ poems as there is no use of foreshadowing.

The two literature materials differ in that Shelley’s poem widely imagines a meeting between the narrator of the incidences and a traveller who explained a ruined statue as observed in a desert. The explanation and description are a meditation of the perceived human fragility as well as the social power on time effects. The Ozymandias by Bysshe Shelley largely bases its argument on imagination, unlike “The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut, which is based on reality and real-life challenges that face society. The two literature works as well differ in form. The poem is developed as a sonnet made up of a fourteen-line stanza form which has its origin in the Italian love. The work is based on poetry and what was known in England. Through the poem, most sonnets break into two unique sessions, which are the sextet and octet and the second part is based on the first part as it comments on the octet. Based on the sonnet, the first section develops the frame narrative and as well describes the statue. The sonnet describes the second section, ironically relating to the words of the king, including the description of the setting of the desert. The poem is as well written in iambic pentameter, although several pattern variations exists (Gill 26). On the other hand, “The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut is a written continuous prose. “The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut is generally a story with many characters.

“The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut uses the common language in which the Ozymandias goes to the extent of calling himself the King of Kings, which is a name used in the Biblical literature. The name smacks an arrogant pride. The use of the name implies his subsequent obscurity, which is seen as a punishment from God. Unlike “The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut, Shelley developed several powerful phrases in his poem, thus making the language used in his works to be different (Stableford 270). The Ozymandias makes use of Caesurae is a break that means rhythm within a line. Shelley makes use of several rhythms in the poem to reach significant effects. The first rhythm falls in the second line after ‘who said.’ In this line, the pause is used to mimic the breadth of the traveller before he tells his story. The second caesura is seen after the statement ‘Stands in the desert,’ the use of the full stop at the end of the sentence reinforces the utilization of isolation which surround the strange as well as the ruined legs. The last caesura is used to isolate and complete the sentence standing in the poem grammatically. All these differ in the use of language in “The Big Trip Up Yonder” by Kurt Vonnegut.

The two literary works have a way of speaking about time, referring to the past, and carrying some eschatological content. The Ozymandias revolves around a statue that had been denuded over time. Ozymandias refers to himself as the king of kings, a phrase that is borrowed from the bible. Although the figure in question has been defaced over time, the biblical king of kings lives eternally, though the reference of the king along the figure may imply the impending destruction on Ozymandias by the true king of kings. Kurt Vonnegut’s “The Big Trip Up Yonder” is futuristic. The short story revolves around the invention of a drug that would prevent human ageing. The discovered drug to prevent ageing-super anti-Gerasone- raises several questions regarding the morality behind its use and its side effects. Altogether, the novel portends a dreadful future where people are afraid of old age. The author refers to the Schwartz clan whose head is 172 years old and lives with his 22 descendants (Shelley 20). Harold, named in the novel, has survived through the use of this anti-ageing medicine. Therefore, these two stories reflect on the future. Both of them look at the future with dread, with Percy Bysshe using an eschatological concept, and Kurt showing fear for the future through the attempt to invent an anti-ageing medicine.

The two works share in the literary style of irony. The irony is whereby an author uses intentional language to signify the typical opposite. The method usually produces humour, but also emphasizes on the intended effect. In the Ozymandias, the king had erected a statue for the remembrance of his reign and great works. The figure contains some inscriptions outlining the essence of the statue that the king wanted to have his works live forever after him. Ironically, the icon has been denuded, and only the legs remain as evidence of its existence. The destroyed statue shows the works of the king, once expected to live forever, had been forgotten through time. In Kurt’s novel, the population in Schwartz community has worked tirelessly to invent anti-ageing medicine. Luckily enough, they have developed the Super Gerasone that has helped them to live longer. Ironically, some people, though they want to live long, wish that others die to pave the way for them to own property (Corcoran 27). Wealth inheritance has caused the clan indifferences, despite the enjoyment of living long. The Schwartz clan leader, Harold was has lived for 172 years surviving on the miracle medicine is targeted by one of his descendants who wants to kill him for inheritance. Though this raises the question of selfishness and individualism, the section carries irony, in that while some clan members want to live longer, others are haunted and would go any extend to exterminate them and take up their spaces.

In conclusion, different literary works can carry the same themes, though in different stylistic approaches. Similarly, any various literary works contain definite differences. In these two literary works, striking similarities such as the approach to the future, and general social life like resource inheritance arises. Similar stylistic approaches like irony appear prevalent in the two narratives. Finally, the works are related in that they are fictional. Despite these similarities, the jobs are also different, like Percy’s work is a sonnet poem, while Kurt’s work is a novel.

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