The Characters and Qualities of Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the Epic of Gilgamesh

July 21, 2022 by Essay Writer

In the book, Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh and Enkidu set out on an adventure to kill Humbaba. The two characters, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, are complete opposites from each other and this helps them get through a tough challenge. Gilgamesh, the epic hero, and Enkidu, the foil, have many character traits that help motivate the other. Gilgamesh had multiple great qualities such as heroism, perseverance, and loyalty. He also has multiple flaws that slowed him down such as, pridefulness, self-righteousness, and selfishness. Enkidu had multiple great qualities as well. His qualities ranged from confidence, omniscience, and leadership. Gilgamesh’s two main qualities that are shown in the book are his overflowing pride, and his perseverance. Because of his pride, he does not listen to Enkidu. This is a major flaw in the book. You can also see Gilgamesh’s perseverance when he finds out that the results from this challenge might not go his way. Even after finding that out, he continues to go pray to Shamash (26).

Enkidu’s two main qualities shown in the book are his leadership and loyalty. His leadership can be noticed when the Elders of Uruk tell Gilgamesh to let Enkidu lead and he gladly takes the lead and guides them to the cedar forest (23). You can also see Enkidu’s loyalty when Gilgamesh makes a dangerous idea and Enkidu helps him stray away from the idea because they are great friends. If Gilgamesh, were a modern day epic story then Gilgamesh and Enkidu would have to acquire a few new characteristics. Gilgamesh would have to have a social media page where he posts all of his accomplishments, he would be a bad relier to texts or emails, and he would have to be always too distracted by his phone to listen to what Enkidu had to say. Enkidu would have to have a social media account that posts inspirational quotes, and he should have an advice hotline on speed dial so he could get advice for what to tell Gilgamesh in any given scenario.

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