Sample Literature Reviews On Motivation, Five Factor Model

May 7, 2022 by Essay Writer

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Herzberg theory suggests that various factors usually affect individual’s satisfaction at the job place. Few factors result in job satisfaction, these include motivators, there are others that lead to job dissatisfaction, and they include hygiene factors at the job place. Motivation can thus be defined as incentives that result in positive satisfaction in the workplace. They are intrinsic conditions while hygiene factors are extrinsic conditions. The absence of hygiene factors causes dissatisfaction while their availability provides high motivation levels.
Five-factor model is a theory that helps psychologists to determine the personality of a person and their psyche. Specifically, this theory helps people to understand a student’s personality and its relationship to certain academic behaviors. The Five-Factors are agreeable, the openness to experience, neuroticism, conscientiousness, and extraversion. Openness to experience, also referred to as intellect, indicate the degree of creativity, curiosity, and a person’s preference. Conscientiousness refers to the likelihood of a person being organized, disciplined, and achievement focused. Agreeableness reflects the capability to help, be cooperative and sympathetic. Neuroticism is defined as a state of emotional stability while extraversion refers to one social behavior.
Persons who exhibit the trait of openness to experience tend to have characteristics such as imaginative, creative, and insightful and have a wide range of interests. People with conscientiousness exhibit characteristics such as being thorough, organized and methodical. Extroverts are usually energetic, assertive and very talkative. Individuals with agreeableness trait have characteristics such as sympathetic, kind and affectionate. People who exhibit neuroticism trait are usually tense and very moody.
Each of the big five traits has a story to tell about a person that exhibit them. Openness to experience means that a person is ready to learn new stuff and usually likes having new experiences. People who are conscientious are very reliable. On the other hand, people who exhibit agreeableness trait tend to be cooperative, friendly and compassionate. Extroverts are very talkative and thus need to be around people and have jobs that entail relating to people. Neuroticism personality trait, on the other hand, explains that a person is emotional. When this trait is high, a person tends to be emotionally unstable.


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