Reflection On Science Fiction Genre: Opinion Essay

January 26, 2021 by Essay Writer

Our understanding of the current world can be relayed through many mediums such as the likes of art and literature, science fiction being one of the most influential genres. Although science fiction may not be able to predict the future, it is able to encapsulate our modern context and beliefs thus science fiction is capable of ultimately shaping our perspective and our perception on reality. I will be completing an A2 sized art work poster for my PBL, incorporating a variety of science fiction genres into my artwork that will convey to viewers on the limitless potential that science fiction can bring. Science fiction has the ability to trigger interest in the development of new technologies, such inspirations also pave the way for breakthroughs. Star trek was one of the founding fathers for the genre of space and exploration. If you look closely enough, I have included Captain Kirk, commandant of a spaceship named the Starship enterprise which I’ve also included. The colloquialism in “Beam me up Scotty!” epitomise the advanced technology in the star trek series to the extent of teleportation becoming commonplace.

Captain Kirk can also can be seen with a device in his hand, formally known as the communicator which shares remarkable similarities to that of modern smartphones. Martin Cooper, the inventor of the first cell phone saw the series and that it inspired him with “a stunning idea”. The personification of idea embodies the imaginative nature of Science fiction, its endless possibilities although may seem an unachievable concept, through time and technological improvement, they are made achievable.

Many science fiction genres go into depth to describe the world that its protagonist is situated in. Technological progress also gave extensive influence to our modern infrastructure, I’ve included a depiction of utopia and dystopia in my artwork, the left side of the city possessing highly advanced technologies where humans and machine live in perfect harmony and the right side undergoing war against self-aware machines.

Movies such as ‘The Matrix’ and ‘Mad Max Fury road’ are based on a dystopian society where its citizens live under constant fear. Movies such as ‘Minority report’ and ‘In Time’ depicts a perfect society, where technology and scientific knowledge are far superior compared to ours. Yet ironically under the surface, their world is still under constant a dystopian-like state.Science Fiction can also convey our innermost aspirations, especially that of interstellar space and into the depths of the unknown. ‘Star Wars’, ‘Aliens’ and ‘Star Trek’ utilized these dreams and was produced into critically acclaimed movies. My art work also includes space ships such as the SS Enterprise (Star Trek), The Millennium Falcon (Star Wars). Our fantasies of reaching beyond earth can also be included by current media and context, these ‘critically acclaimed hits’ wouldn’t’ve existed had the space race never occurred.


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