Mood Established In Edgar Allan Poe’s Annabel Lee

June 2, 2021 by Essay Writer

Edgar Allan Poe is an American writer who lived from 1809 to 1849. Poe is most commonly known for his macabre writings. He lived in Richmond, Virginia, much of his life and is widely considered as one of the masters of dark poetry. His purpose for writing macabre stories maybe because of his tragic childhood. When he was very young, his parents died, and when he was twenty his foster mother died. Macabre means death or disturbing. His stories are important because he is one of our greatest writers around the world who was born in the United States. Edgar Allan Poe’s writings are usually macabre.

“The Cask Of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe is a short story about premeditated murder. Montresor uses reverse psychology on his servant so they will leave. He did not want anybody to suspect his going in and out of the building. When Fortunado refused to go down to the wine cellar, Montresor told him that he would get Luchresi taste if the wine was real. So, Fortunado got jealous and Montresor that he is a better taster than Luchresi. When he took Fortunado to the wine cellar, there were human bones lined and piled on the wall. There is a stone-cut niche in the vault so he could put Fortunado in as his grave. He also places the chains and padlock by the niche so that he could quickly chain Fortunado. The mortar was still wet so he would be able to make the fourth wall to keep Fortunado in his grave. The jester hat’s bell on Fortunado’s head was a sign of his consciousness. He chooses carnival to bury Fortunado because he knew that he would be drunk, and people would be too busy during parties to look for him. This is a story about an intentional murder. 

“The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe is a short story about cold-blooded murder. At the beginning of the short story, the narrator said that he was not mad but continues to plan how to kill his employer. Poe was fascinated with eyes ( Haugen 114). This relates to the short story because the narrator’s motive to kill the old man because of his eye the narrator described the eye to be like a vulture’s eye. Most of Poe’s writings are set at midnight which a good time for horror or death. After the old man was killed he disassembled the body and placed it under a floorboard. The next-door neighbor called the police and when they came the narrator felt very confident and sat in the room where he killed the old man. The narrator heard the sound of a beating heart. When the sound kept getting louder he thought the police were mocking him. Finally, he confessed to the killing. After he ripped the floorboards up and revealed to the police the body of the old man. This is a story about a deliberate murder. 

“Ulalume” by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem about rational and irrational human nature. Every person is at some degree is rational and irrational. The narrator is on a walk and through the walk, he is going against his mind and his feelings. His feelings is the star he is following and his mind is his psyche also his soul. While on the walk he is following the star and his soul is telling him not to trust the star but the narrator ignores his soul. The result is that he keeps following the star. The star is a symbol of fertility and sexuality. So the soul’s warning was very important. At the end of his walk, he finds that the star led him to his beloved’s grave. This poem is about sensible and senseless human nature. 

“The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe is a short story about self versus alter ego. In this short story, the narrator turns from a loving pet owner to a cat killer. The horror derives from when the narrator kills his cat, Pluto. When the cat is reincarnated, the narrator feels guilty for killing pluto. He tries to forget the murder of his cat. When he looks at the cat’s fur it looks like pluto. The fur represents the suppressed guilt inside of him. That suppressed guilt leads him to murder his wife. This short story is about self versus the second self. 

“Annebel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem about grief. In this poem, the narrator is stuck to his beloved Annebel Lee through love. The narrator and Annebel Lee fell in love at a young age. The narrator claims the angels envy their love and are jealous. He claims that his soul and Annabel Lee’s soul will never be dissevered from each other. One day a wind came over the kingdom and kills Annebel Lee. The narrator claims that the angels are so jealous of their love that they kill Annebel Lee. Every night when the narrator looks at the stars he can sense Annebel Lee’s sparkling eyes. The narrator then sleeps by his beloved’s tomb every night. This poem is about sorrow. “Eldorado” by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem about death. The poem the knight is looking for Eldorado. Eldorado means “The Golden One”. When one day he grew old and he did not see a shadow anymore. This represents death because a ghost supposedly does not have a shadow. Then he is disappointed because his strength failed on his journey. He meets another shadow who he asks if the shadow knows where Eldorado is. This poem is about the afterlife. Edgar Allan Poe is an American writer who lived from 1809 to 1849. His purpose for writing macabre stories maybe because of his tragic childhood. Montresor uses reverse psychology on his servant so they will leave. The jester hat’s bell on Fortunado’s head was a sign of his consciousness. “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe is a short story about cold-blooded murder. When the sound kept getting louder he thought the police were mocking him. 

“Ulalume” by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem about rational and irrational human nature. His feelings is the star he is following and his mind is his psyche also his soul. In this short story, the narrator turns from a loving pet owner to a cat killer. The horror derives from when the narrator kills his cat, Pluto. “Annebel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem about grief. The narrator and Annebel Lee fell in love at a young age. “Eldorado” by Edgar Allan Poe is a poem about death. When one day he grew old and he did not see a shadow anymore. Most of Poe’s writings are usually about death. 


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