Life, Death And Revenge In Hamlet By William Shakespeare

July 30, 2021 by Essay Writer

Hamlet is one of the most famously dramatic plays in the world. The play is about tragedy. All through the play, Hamlet displays rage, doubt, and a certain fixation on death. Although Hamlet is unaware of it, these feelings cause the setbacks that happen all through the play. These feelings joined with his ignorance are the main reason for the unfortunate “hero’s” imperfections.

At the point when Hamlet has met the ghost of his father, it is uncovered that his uncle, Claudius may have been the reason for his father’s death. Hamlet is then confused about how he should react. Hamlet is then filled with rage and wonders if there is some truth to what the ghost said or is the ghost just trying to trick him? These questions are the reason for Hamlet’s doubt.

Even though Hamlet wants revenge, he tries to understand the reasons behind Claudius actions. When Hamlet realizes his uncle, Claudius killed the king to take possession of the throne and marry the queen, he then becomes enraged and filled with grief about his father’s murder. Hamlet then affected emotionally and psychologically seems to distrust the idea that it’s even possible to act in a controlled, purposeful way. Instead when he does act, he does so in a violent and reckless manner. This is a fault that Hamlet cannot deny. He knows that it is unjust, but only cares about avenging his father’s death. Hamlet isn’t just mad about his father’s death but also about his mother’s marriage to his uncle and now king Claudius.

Throughout the play, Hamlet is fixated on the enigma of death. In the start of the play, he expresses that he is not sure of what happens to people when they die. Later, he makes a reference to life following death contradicting his first statement. When Hamlet first gets the chance to avenge his father and kill Claudius he decides not to do it because he found him prying and he doesn’t want to send the man who killed his father, a murderer to heaven. He’d rather wait and kill him when he is out drinking or in bed with his mother. Hamlet wants Claudius to receive the same treatment his father had when he was not able to ask for forgiveness before he died and therefore have his soul dammed. This is for Hamlet’s own thrill, which depicts another imperfection. This also shows Hamlet contradicting his earlier statement that he does not believe in the afterlife. Hamlet’s death demonstrates the full emotion and captivating force of tragedy the play was created for. During the fencing match revenge is what fueled both Hamlet and Laertes. Revenge is then shown as the significant factor between life and death.

Hamlet is very theoretical and contemplative throughout this complete play. He’s significantly drawn to tough queries or queries that can’t be answered with direct certainty. Sweet-faced with proof that his uncle dead his father, Hamlet becomes hooked in to proving his uncle’s guilt before attempting to act. He’s equally overcome with questions about the life and concerning what happens to bodies once they die. Revenge becomes Hamlet’s main objective. What Hamlet does not notice is that with revenge comes consequence. Through all his questioning, Hamlet ne’er queries what would possibly happen to him once he carries out his set up of action. This will be viewed as Hamlet’s main flaw. Hamlet’s flaws don’t build him associate degree unjustly, dangerous man or associate degree evil soul. It merely makes him a person of limitations and of convinced beliefs.

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