Invisible Network of Demand and Supply Essay (Critical Writing)

December 23, 2020 by Essay Writer

According to Cronon (356), “the country and the city were inseparable”. Cronon believes that “the city and the country were linked to each other by an invisible network of demand and supply” (Cronon 356). This statement means that every rural region played a critical role towards supporting the development of different cities. Many people from these regions migrated to urban centers in order to offer the required labor. Such regions also produced various products and raw materials for different industries. Inequalities also encouraged more people to move from urban areas to rural regions. The middle and upper classes also decided to create new suburbs. This approach supported the growth of many cities in America. The people also addressed various challenges such as pollution and insecurity (Cronon 371). According to the author, most of these American cities obtained their raw materials from different rural regions.

The invention of new transportation methods led to the development of more suburbs. Many individuals were able to live near cities. Most of these suburbs continued to attract citizens from different regions. For instance, a new countryside emerged in Chicago. This countryside had gaslights, electricity, pavements, and sewage lines. The middle class also created a new suburb in Chicago. This approach discouraged the rich from interacting with the poor (Cronon 374). The rate of immigration attracted more individuals to live in various cities. This development created more class differences. More factories emerged because there were new sources of labor. Many people also commuted to different cities in order to purchase various commodities. A new kind of “demand and supply emerged because every individual wanted to achieve his or her goals” (Flamming 39). In conclusion, historians can get accurate findings by examining the issues associated with the above interdependence.

This student begins by identifying the connection between the countryside and the city. The student believes strongly that the interdependence led to the establishment of new classes and societies. The author uses William Cronon’s arguments to support his or her ideas. The student also explains why new suburbs emerged during the time. Such suburbs made it easier for people to deal with different challenges such as insecurity and pollution (Cronon 369). This development also separated the poor from the rich. The discussion also analyzes the role played by different immigrants towards supporting the economy of these cities. Such cities also benefited from the raw materials obtained from different rural regions (Cronon 372). This meaningful discussion analyzes the relevance of the interdependence between different cities and suburbs.

This student begins by discussing how the countryside and the city could not survive without one another. The two depended on each other in order to emerge successful. The author “explains how the city benefited from cheap labor and raw materials from the countryside” (Flamming 37). The student examines how young men supplied cheap labor to these cities. Many girls also worked in brothels. Prostitution continued to encourage more women to work in these cities. Many individuals from the countryside visited different cities in order to buy various commodities. The student uses appropriate examples to support his or her argument. This discussion gives a clear picture of the demand and supply that existed during the period.

Works Cited

Cronon, William. Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West. New York: W. W. Norton, 1991. Print.

Flamming, Douglas. Bound for Freedom. London: University of California Press, 2005. Print.

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