
Fear In Native Son 

February 24, 2022 by Essay Writer

Native son is a famously known novel written by the American author, Richard Wright. It tells the story of 20-year-old Bigger Thomas, an African American youth living in utter poverty in a poor area on Chicago’s south side in a rundown apartment with his family during the 1940s. Fear is one of the most important themes shown in the novel. Ultimately, Bigger does not know how to control his fear intertwined with anger and savagness around the white communities hatred and discrimination towards blacks during this time this leads him to Bigger situations that get out of his own control. Bigger is fearful of white people in society and he lets his fear get him into inevitable situations. Bigger uses gus as a scapegoat because he was truly afraid of robbing the white man’s store, he was fearful of mary asking him personal questions, finally Bigger moves beyond his fear and emotions.

One of the main displays in Native Son as said before is greater fear of white people. An early example of this was when Bigger met Mr. Dalton at the Daltons place for the first time for his job interview, for he was very reluctant to find his work. In the text it states, “Inside his shirt he felt the cold metal of the gun resting against his naked skin… No! He would keep it. He would take it with him to the Daltons place. He felt that he would be safer if he took it. He was not planning to use it… there was in him and uneasiness and distrust that made him feel he ought to have it along…He was going among white people, so he would take his knife and his gun; it would make him feel like he was equal of them. . . “ (Wright, 44). Bigger is too afraid of even being near white people. He feels as though a sense of protection would be needed and that anything could happen to him especially being in a wealthy white neighborhood. He has lived with this fear for too long and doesn’t know how to keep his emotions stable.

During this time no black person knew how to be feel safe around the white community. Therefore this shows how Bigger is fearful of whites in general. To continue, towards Mary’s death, is where Bigger had extreme fear when bringing Mary home from the black restaurant. To explain this it states, ‘“Mary!”’ He felt Mary trying to rise and quickly he pushed her head back into the pillow… Mrs. Dalton was moving slowly towards him… “Mary? is that you??” “you’re dead drunk you stink with whiskey…” (Wright,84-85). After coming back, Mary was very drunk and she couldn’t take herself to her room so Bigger carried her to her room upstairs. When they got there Mrs. Dalton came in and Bigger panicked so he covered Marys face to make it seem like she was sleeping and unable to give her a proper response. This basically shows how afraid Bigger is of having Mrs dalton find out what really happened when he didn’t take her to the University and to The Loop, let alone taking her up to her room. Back then blacks and whites touching could lead to a conclusion of rape or sexual assault and Bigger didn’t want to risk that. Ultimately showing the inevitable situation Bigger has brought upon himself.

As it is clearly shown, Bigger can put on a “tough guy” look. What is meant by this is when Bigger was with Gus and some other friends that were planning to rob Blum’s storefront. In the text it says, ‘“Get up! Get up and i’ll slice your toenails!’ Gus lay still… That’s all right Gus said in surrender. “Lemme up. ” “ you trying to make a fool out of me, ain’t you” Naw”, Gus said. . . “ (Wright, 40). Basically, Bigger is putting the blame on Gus because he came late and he feels as though hes not taking his own plan seriously so he got upset and started ganging up on Gus. To continue it then says, “That ought to teach you not to be late next time, see? We aint late we still have time…. ” Shut up! It is late!” Bigger insisted commandidly. ” (Wright,41). In the beggining it is shwon that bigger is fascinated with the entire plan and is more than ready but he doesnt feel comfortable expressing his fears infront of the guys. Before even going to meet up with everyone else Bigger goes with Jack to watch a movie to get his mind off robbing Blumes storefront. Biggers fear of confronting this gives him alot of pressure so instead he attacks Gus and trys to hide his fear by putting on this mask that says otherwise. This can also mean that he fears Gus in a way because he tries to overpower him with his own plan to begin with.


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