
Ethics is not Based on Religion Essay

September 20, 2021 by Essay Writer


The relationship that exists between religion and ethics is an issue that draws varying opinion from various individuals. This is evident due to the wide spectrum of views that are presented by religious personalities and non-Christians. Indeed, there are those who believe that religion has obvious historical connection to ethics.

They affirm that the connection between the two aspects are deeply rooted and morally founded. They also state that ethics is not only tied up with religion but religion settles ethics. That is they believe that religion is the bedrock of ethics and that religious persons are individuals with immense moral principles.

However, another school of thought states that religion and ethics has no direct correlation. Individuals under this school of thought argue that ethics is not based on religion. They state that one can be ethically sound even without religion or attending Christian teachings.

They hold that ethics is a concept that is based on strong humanistic assumptions. The assumptions are justified through reasoning and understanding that most people including secular individuals practice ethical principles or live under moral values. The reasoning seems to be factual, realistic and true in my view since not all religious personalities embrace ethical guidelines. This paper discusses the relationship that exists between ethics and religion based on the varying schools of thought that are presented.

The purpose of the study and my opinion

This paper gives insightful and credible information on the relationship that exist between religion and ethics that studies human conduct. It seeks to equip those who believe that religion has a historical connection with ethics and those who believe that ethics is not based on religion with pertinent information on the issue. In review of the two schools of thought, I agree to the reasoning that ethics has no basis in religion.

This is because it is just a means to achieving ethical values but not an absolute means of being morally sound. This is evident since even non-Christians live under strong ethical guidelines more than some religious individuals. This explains why the reasoning that ethics is not based on religion may hold absolute credibility.

General discussion on the issue and relevance of the reasoning

As noted, there are individuals who believe that religion has a strong connection to religion. They state that religion forms the basis of ethics and that ethics is a key component of religion. They reason that individuals with a strong religious background automatically develop ethical principles that include honesty, faithfulness, prudence and kindness.

This is because religion teaches noble ideals and principles that foster good life and interrelation ideals. The principles that are socially relevant and culturally acceptable have been instrumental in enhancing cohesiveness in most settings. However, the second school of thought overrules the idea. The thought depicts that ethics or moral values are not based on religion.

Individuals who believe in this school of thought reason that being a religious person is not a guarantee to adopting ethical lifestyle. They affirm that religion is not an end but may just bet a means to an end. The individuals state that it is mythical for one to believe that religion contributes to the development of ethical principles.

This is wrong since developing moral values is a strict humanistic perspective that is intrinsically informed. Ideally, it is proven that even those who do not subscribe to any religious setting live under immense ethical guidelines. The secular individuals live ethically more than some of the persons who attend religious teachings.

This aspect has been proven through observation and studies that shows that there are religious people who practices ethics while others do not. Consequently, there are secular people who live a morally upright lifestyle more than Christians do while others do not. Therefore, it is right to conclude that developing ethical or moral values is dependent on humanistic perspective. It is an individual’s choice and determination since practicing noble principles of life requires total dedication.

How ethics is earned and its benefits

Indeed, ethics that is a central aspect to good life or a satisfying life can be earned without going to church. Various individuals have earned it across the social divide including secular individuals who knows very little about religion. This quells the notion that those who live ethically are individuals with strong Christian background. As indicated by scholars, moral values or ethical principles that include honesty, faithfulness, kindness, cautiousness and prudence are essential for human life.

The principles foster peaceful coexistence and intercalations that is noble for effective integration. They facilitate economic, social and cultural growth among individuals in the societies. Evidently, an individual who hold no ethical value and principles lives in the brinks of destruction. Such a person cannot meet his social and economic obligations with ease.

The philosophical perspective on the issue

As noted by philosophers, the varying notions about the relationship that exist between the two concepts are dependent on one’s understanding. They state that the issue is a polarizing topic that has led to great divisions across social strata. This is because every group that supports either of the views does not always want to give in on the issue.

The groups want to gain prominence or dominance over the issue and to be heard. That is every group is keen to supporting their basis of argument without the willingness to compromise their stand on the issue. This calls for sobriety and immense caution when this debate is instigated due to its sensitiveness especially among Christians and secular personalities.

The philosophers also state that, one cannot flourish ethically by virtue of being a Christian or a strong member of a certain religion. Flourishing in any aspect by embracing these ethical principles is more than a religion. It calls for effective decision-making and determination to living a satisfying life.

It is a choice that is made by both Christians and secular individuals who are keen to changing their lifestyle. The philosophers affirm that the reasoning behind the two schools of thought have not found credible answers since there are morally sound personalities who holds distinguished characters in both sectors.

That is, there are religious individuals who are ethically poor and who do not treat others with dignity that they deserve. They fail to recognize the rights of others due to acute selfishness and negative attitude. The same way there are good and bad individuals in the secular world. Therefore, the relationship between the two concepts is a debatable issue.


Imperatively, the varying notions about the relationship that exist between the two concepts are dependent on an individuals understanding. This is due to the complicated nature of the topic. This is evident as presented under the two schools of thought that various individuals subscribe to in the modern world.

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