Andrew Jackson as a Controversial President

November 13, 2021 by Essay Writer

Andrew Jackson, a patriotic “hero” of a common president and irrefutably as much the most exceedingly worst – a blurred image of King George III. Varying from a series of decisions and stories, his unpleasant youth is not enough of a charmer to disguise his unprincipled utilization of (federal) power against non-whites. Beginning from 1829 and lasting until 1837, he sculpted himself into a king and a symbol of the people’s will. His unconstitutional ‘Indian Removal’ act upon the Native Americans and luring in their utmost death has the ability to speak for itself. From a contradicting point of view, however, Andrew Jackson was an influential, strong president who used his title to pursue his own agenda that were for the better of the U.S. The common citizens genuinely favored him, as much as he favored them. He allowed common people to interfere with the government (referred to as the spoils system) and represented their interests, rather than the rich and powerful. He was likewise genuine and direct and had been a war legend. Overall, a controversial president.

Andrew Jackson won his presidency alongside full redemption four years after the election with John Quincy Adams in an election that was characterized to an unusual degree by negative attacks and insults upon his personal life. It wasn’t too easy for him, but he won the election by a storm – due to his charisma and good connection to the majority who were mainly common men. Unlike the 1824 election, Jackson won his presidency by popular votes but not electoral. As stated in document 1 ‘Jackson’s inauguration’, “Thousands and thousands of people, without distinction or rank, collected in an immense mass round the Capital (Line one)… that crown of glory advances, bows to the people, who greet him with a shout that rends (splits) the air… it was grand, it was sublime! (Lines three through four) ” Jackson soon began the spoils system, where he replaced former appointees and replaced them with his supporters. He also gave jobs to the Jacksonians, average citizens who were loyal to him. Jackson’s election brought a new style to campaigning as he connected with citizens that deserved his attention and removed the idea of a hierarchy and discrimination.

One of the strongest negative of Andrew Jackson’s presidency compared to all the rest – the Indian Removal Act. It was the cause of the Trail of Tears, best represented by the term ‘genocide’. The Indian Removal Act and the events leading up to it is a direct violation of the constitution. On May 26, 1830, the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was passed by the congress of the United states of America.The U.S government wanted it to be easier for European Americans to spread westward on the continent and since Indian tribes living there appeared to be the ‘main obstacle’ to westward expansion, white settlers petitioned to remove them. Andrew Jackson soon signed the bill into law and later took final action for it without entirely listening to the other main voices of the government. Thus began all the rebellions and issues. Referring to an action like this, document 3 labeled as ‘King Andrew the First’ shows Jackson in a crown and royal garments as he stands upon the constitution of the U.S holding the power to command. Also, according to document 4 ‘Jackson’s message to Congress concerning the removal of Native Americans from east of the Appalachian Mountains, December 7, 1835′, president Andrew Jackson states “It seems now to be an established fact that they can not live in contact with a civilized community and prosper…. No one can doubt the moral duty of the Government…. (Lines two through three)” And according to Jackson the “civilized community” are privileged white citizens. Jackson felt that to remove several Native American nations to a location further west in order to allow U.S. citizens to settle the natives’ former land was the best policy because he (basically) claimed that Indians aren’t capable to live in contact with a “civilized community” in order to “prosper”. Therefore, for Jackson and the white settlers, keeping the Indians in one spot was for the better. Due to the Indian Removal Act, the five major tribes (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole) were gravely affected. These tribes were also referred as civilized tribes because they embraced, adapted and created a more modern westernised culture for themselves, learning to read and write. These Indians were told to move, without an entirely fair explanation. Some peacefully dealt with the command and headed out, and many rebelled against the commands. More than 4,000 Native Americans unfortunately died, due to the lack of food, water, shelter, and proper care of the body. This trail is now known as the Trail of Tears, based on the pain, negligence and torture the Indians felt as they were moved away from their homes and their land.

Throughout all, Jackson most definitely had an influence. He has made adjustments and marked points in U.S history that also altered decisions and the way the government provides as well as reacts. He made executive decisions based on his personal beliefs and did what he could to protect the common man. In Document 2 ‘Jackson’s message explaining his veto of the National Bank, July 10,1832′ Jackson states “But when laws undertake to…. Make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society….have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government. (Lines three through four)” This, proving Andrew Jackson’s respect for the common man, also reflects the extents he goes to for them; due to the reasoning that he has been where they are now. America during the age of Jackson was a nation overflowing with choice and chance as it grows overtime. Though born into a life the opposite of an elite and privileged white citizen, Jackson was able to expand the powers and privileges for former presidents after him as well as the worth of the common man. His unjust influences allowed smarter decisions to build in future presidencies before it happened again. He pushed the nation further toward democracy, but much work remained in granting equal rights and freedom to those still oppressed in the United States. As a whole, Andrew Jackson did not separate nor immensely unite the U.S, as it managed numerous inconsistencies and judgment. Overall, though, Andrew Jackson had an impact and changed the ways and expectations of the government.

Throughout his presidency, Andrew Jackson took on actions that either impressed or oppressed citizens of the United States. He ended his presidency as a controversial president. From a patriotic ‘hero’ of the common man to the new ‘King George III’ he has had both positive and negative effects but all holding an influence that is still visible today.

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