
Analysis Of What Makes Anne Frank’S Diary Relatable To Teenagers

March 25, 2022 by Essay Writer

What makes Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl so relatable is that she was not much different from a typical teenager Anne Frank has common teenage debates with her parents, as well as the thoughts of being a self-regulating young woman hoping to fall in love, just as most teenagers do today. Anne has relationship issues with her mother, other members of the household, and of course, boys. In our society today, teenagers experience these same issues as Anne had while hiding in the Secret Annex. Throughout the book, Anne expresses her deep hatred for her mother, Edith Frank. Mrs. Frank is seen as a cold and tactless mother, according to her daughter. Anne accuses her mother of instigating their dynamic relationship. Anne thinks there is nothing motherly about her, and she often wishes she had an affectionate, warm mother to turn to. Almost ALL teenagers go through a rebellious era of their life against their parents. Every child wants to be independent and exercise the power they hold. Sometimes when people are struggling with school or relationships with people, teens take out their anger on their parents. Anne wanted to break away from her parents controlling every decision and steps of her life because she has to deal with her parents and be with them 24/7. She realizes that her mom is not being a fantastic mother, and teenagers today think parents do not comprehend what world they live in because times have changed and each generation is different in some type of way. Anne was a normal teen; she had mood swings, her arguments with her parents, her crushes, and most importantly, she had friends. Upon entering the Secret Annex, Anne was discouraged from communicating with her closest friends for fear of being caught by the Nazis. She lost the freedom to share her feelings with her friends. Anne had to find other ways to discuss her feelings and found a company with a boy named Peter.

The diary itself in many ways led to her maturity. In the Secret Annexe, when Anne felt isolated and distant from her family, she often felt like she could confess her feelings and thoughts to her diary because she will not receive judgment in return. This helped the becoming more responsible and facing new difficulties leading to maturity easier on her. An example would be when someone moves out of his or her house. Without preparation, it takes a lot of maturity to clean, cook, and complete all the everyday tasks of life. These situations are examples of big steps in a person’s life. These situations lead to more responsibility. If that responsibility is accepted, then that is a huge step of maturity because a person is accepting the challenges that will come. These situations are similar to the way Anne matured in the Annexe. She had to the preparation and did not necessarily know what to expect. Anne’s situation was a personal rite of passage, where she chose to grow up and take as much from her experiences as possible. And I think most; if not all; teenagers experience all of these things. Anne is just like most teenagers in high school, she has boy trouble, questioning her sexuality, trying to get along with her parents and live with them. She is very mature and helps out the family in many ways. Her writing is interesting and full of history and it’s about how her days went and each diary entry is like a new episode of a tv show, it’s not boring and every day is unique and fun, some are boring and some are very serious you never know what to expect; just like a teen’s life.


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