
Adolf Hitler and National Socialist German Workers Party Essay

December 12, 2020 by Essay Writer

The history of Germany has been a subject of interest to many people throughout the world. Much of this interest is usually concentrated on the period spanning from 1933-1945. During this period, Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers’ Party led the country through what later came to be known as the Nazi Regime. From the time he was appointed as the Chancellor of Germany at the beginning of 1933, Adolf Hitler had only one goal of amassing massive power to himself.

He embarked on this objective by first eliminating his political partners and later began extending the country’s borders. To carry out his objective without hindrance, Hitler established the “Gleichschaltung”, which was a forum to ensure that he took control of all the major institutions in the country. One particular area that Hitler tried to control was the running of the army. (Schrader)

From the beginning, Hitler had no faith in the army. This fear was gotten out of concern on the way the army had conducted itself during World War I. He also had a fear that if they were given a free hand then the army would try to overthrow him. One year after coming to power, Hitler disbanded the SA, which was the outfit that had helped him come to power. He then signed a pact with the Army that they would remain loyal to him.

As Hitler’s tyrannical ways came to a climax in 1943 and the beginning of 1944, Hitler forced many army generals to go into early retirement and those that remained became critical of his constant intrusion. The disgruntled army generals led by Count von Stauffenberg and General Ludwig Beck who was a sacked chief of staff came up with a plan to assassinate Hitler. (The World War II Multimedia Database)

The plotters of the assassination attempt placed a bomb in one of Hitler’s command posts. After placing the bomb under a conference table, Stauffenberg and his colleagues began preparing on how to take over the government. However, the bomb failed to kill Hitler as the plotters had anticipated. This made Hitler conclude that God had saved him to retaliate Germany on the world. That night, Count von Stauffenberg was shot dead by a firing squad.

Others like Erwin Rommel who had been approached by the collaborators but failed to co-operate were allowed to take poison in favor of their families being spared. While the plotters were shot by a firing squad, their families were either sent to concentration camps or forced to take poison. The German leader used this occurrence to crush any remaining opposition against him. Despite these stern measures to ensure that everyone conformed to his totalitarian ideas, Hitler continued to receive opposition especially from religious leaders led by Jehovah’s Witnesses and Catholics. (Jauch)

The Nazi reign was characterized by oppression and the desire to ensure that it took control of every institution. This was accomplished under the Gleichschaltung policy that sought to ensure that no institution had the capability of influencing society. The government led by Adolf Hitler accomplished this by oppressing the institutions that it could not disband. One such organization was the army. However, using his influence, Hitler forced the army generals who did not conform to his ideas. These disgruntled generals came together and tried to assassinate Hitler by placing a bomb under his table. However, this bid failed and the plotters and their families were all executed by a firing squad.

Works Cited

Schrader, Helena. Plan Valkyrie. The Germany Conspiracy against the Nazi Regime in the Coup Attempt of 20 July 1944, 2009. Web.

Jauch, Gunther. The Catholics and the Third Reich, 2009. Web.

The World War II Multimedia Database. The Plot to Assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944, 2007. Web.

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