Why is it an Enjoyable Story? Essay

October 13, 2021 by Essay Writer

Updated: Apr 12th, 2019

In literature, stories are very common. Since the time of William Shakespeare, many authors have delved into writing romantic stories. This is because most of works of William Shakespeare were considered very successful and were romantic.

However, the biggest question that most literature students, as well as other professionals would have is when a piece of writing is to be considered enjoyable. For instance, an individual would ask whether to consider a piece of writing enjoyable if it discusses characters only.

These questions could only be answered by looking at some of the factors that would make a piece of writing exciting. This essay is meant to look at the factors that would make a piece of writing enjoyable.

An enjoyable piece of writing is that which has a clear logical flow that is easy to follow. A story would be enjoyable if it follows the basic rule mentioned above. There should be a sequence of events.

For instance, in the morning, an individual would wake up, take a bath, take breakfast, and leave for work or school. It would not be logical to start a story by explaining how an individual took breakfast before waking up because this would not make sense.

It is also important that a story create a picture in the mind of the reader. Take for instance the story ‘The Use of Force’ by William Carlos Williams. The author creates a clear setting of the room in which the patient is.

The mood in the house including the facial expression of parents, the agony that the patient is going through, and her fear of medical instruments are clearly brought out in the narration. One reading this story would have a clear picture of the environment.

An enjoyable piece of writing should have a mix narration and dialogue. It would be very boring to read or listen to a story that does not have any form of dialogue. Writing a story as if it were a report would make it very boring to readers.

In the story stated above, there is dialogue between the mother and the doctor. This makes the story lively and more realistic. Good stories should also include such literary devices as symbolism (simile and metaphors), personification, flashback, and rhetoric.

These devices are very important because apart from giving the story a sense of humor, they also help in bringing out some features that would otherwise been left out. However, the stylistic devices should not be overused. Misuse of the stylistic devices would spoil the tone of the story.

A good story should have a form of conflict. The conflict keeps a given story going. The conflict should be logical and it should be comprehended easily. It would be illogical for an author to create a conflict that is too complex to be understood by the target audience.

A story written from a third party perspective would be considered good if it is capable of capturing other characters in the play, including thoughts. This way, it would be possible to capture all-important factors. A good story is not just a romantic story.

It should be the one, which has the above core elements. Listeners would be bored if the story does not contain various stylistic devices such as similes and metaphors. Apart from stylistic devices, the author must incorporate simple, compound, and complex sentences into the story.

This essay on Why is it an Enjoyable Story? was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly.

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