The Role of Secret Relationship in 1984 Free Essay Example

February 17, 2021 by Essay Writer

In the book 1984, Julia and Winston meet at the Ministry of Truth when Julia the “Dark-Haired girl” pretends to fall while slipping a note to Winston saying, “I love you”. At this moment, Winston felt afraid that Julia would be one of the thought police and betray him. Initially, I was unsure about trusting Julia due to the way she acted in the book but, her intentions began to unravel and demonstrated that her motive was not to hurt Winston in any way.

Her intentions were pure, good and she also felt the same hatred towards the party as Winston did. After seeing the note, Winston acquired an ultimate desire to live. Winston gathered his thoughts at this new, meaningful turn occurring in his life at this moment.

Julia was a woman who opposed the party, just like Winston. Winston and Julia’s relationship were simply physical and gave every individual a chance to satisfy their desired wants while at the same time, resisting the definitive administration.

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Both Winston and Julia enjoyed damaging the Party’s laws and controls, which adds a component of energy to their relationship. Julia has many influences on Winston and how Winston can defy the party. His undertaking is of itself against the guidelines and gave him some fulfillment, yet in addition gave his life some bearing as he had somebody with whom to revolt.

Winston wished to join the brotherhood of O’Brien bearing in mind the end goal of a free life since there is another person around who he adores and with who he can impart his life to.

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Winston has always felt great discontent with his existence which is also a reason why he began to write in his journal, to express the many negative thoughts that he had. I feel that Julia had the greatest impact on Winston by giving him a reason to want to live and a reason to fight harder to gain freedom amongst each other. Julia motivated Winston to physically think about actions that were being done by members of the inner party.

” The one thing that matters is that we shouldn’t betray one another, although even that can’t make the slightest difference confession is not betrayal. What you say or do doesn’t matter, only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you – that would be the real betrayal.'(166) This quote defends my response by showing the loyalty that Julia had for Winston and the loyalty they both began to have for each other.

Imagining if Winston never was involved in the secret relationship and rule breaking, maybe he wouldn’t have turned and began to respect big brother, which would be arguable. Overall, I believe Julia had a positive and negative impacts on Winston. Julia helped Winston get his desires fulfilled but the relationship lead to his tragic fate.


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