The Indication Of Color Imagery In The Great Gatsby

October 21, 2021 by Essay Writer

In the novel, The Great Gatsby, the author, F. Scott Fitzgerald opens chapter three with a description of the endless parties that his neighbor Gatsby holds. He writes about the elaborate preparations that take place prior to the event and the care that’s taken after, like the machine that juice hundreds of oranges and the team of servants that polish the house and erase the evidence of the previous night. Gatsby’s party embodies the nature of the Jazz-Age in its sheer and utter excess and lavishness. Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald uses imagery to create the atmosphere of the party in the mind of the reader; in chapter 3, Fitzgerald creates an atmosphere of revelry, chaos, and opulence at Gatsby’s party.

While Nick observes the people continue to arrive to the boisterous party, he notes the cars “from New York are parked five deep in the drive” which indicates the wealth of the party-goers who are able to afford such cars and how many people at the party are able to afford them and drive the distance. As Nick continues and roams the “castle,” he points out the colors of the clothing, the bright accessories that were chosen for the occasion, and the extravagant apparel throughout the party. This overwhelming color and expensive outfits that are seemingly unique to every individual contribute to the already expensive feeling radiated from Gatsby’s house.

When Nick first enters, he notices “a bar with real brass rails was set up, and stocked with liquors… ” the frequent violations of prohibition add onto the already archaic environment on top of the people which Nick later explains aren’t invitees, they’re uninvited party-goers. “People were not invited, they went there” (45). Nick describes the entry requirements to Gatsby’s parties and he describes the bright cars that pile deep into the driveway and how the people conduct themselves “according to the rules of behavior associated with amusement parks” as the people who pack into cars make their way and end up at the gates of Gatsby’s house. The chaotic entry to Gatsby’s party and the lack of regulation to admission also indicates that the already noisy party has party-goers from a variety of classes which might prove to be a challenge later.

It appears as though the guests are ever welcome at Gatsby’s house, the opulence of his home and the dazzling night naturally attracted numerous guests to celebrate. As the events of the night continue to unfold, the reader gains an inside view of superficiality, luxury, and materialism of the decade and the mood of the Jazz-Age through Fitzgerald’s use of imagery.  


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