The Charm of Edgar Allan Poe’s Literary Works

March 26, 2021 by Essay Writer

Poe’s work is very popular because people like to read it, but that is all they are doing is reading it. If readers actually look deeper into his work they’ll find one of Poe’s most important element of writing which is point of view.

According to the article “ Point of view in The Tell Tale Heart” by “ Shmoop” says “ The narrator is trying to prove there sanity”. This creates point of view because, it explains why Poe uses point of view. Also according to the poem “ Tell Tale Heart” says “but why will you say that I am mad?”. This creates point of view for Poe because it gives an example of how it was used in his work.

Also according to the poem “The Masque of the Red Death” says “ But the prince was so dauntless and sagacious”. This creates point of view for Poe because it explains how his point of view changes in each poem because in “The Tell Tale Heart” the poem was in 1rst person but in “Masque of the Red Death” it was in 3rd person.Diction is how the author uses his or hers word choice. Edgar Allen Poe is very good at choosing the right word choice for his poems. According to the poem “Tell Tale Heart” says “very very dreadfully nervous”. This creates diction for Poe because as you are reading this it draws you in to read more.

According to the poem “Alone” says “From the same source I have taken”. This helps create diction for Poe because it helps people understand more clearly.

According to the poem “The Masque of the Red Death” says “so fadal and so hideous”. This creates diction for Poe because its shows how Poe uses his words to make the poem seem more interesting.Edgar Allen Poe is a very good writer.

His work is mainly popular due to those three reasons but there are some other reasons that Poe’s work is so popular like tone, mood, and vocabulary. Though these qualifications do show a lot of why Poe’s work is so popular these reasons do not show why Edgar Allen Poe himself is popular not just his writing. Poe is popular because of the way he words his poems, the things he talks about and chooses to write about. Poe continues to stay popular to this day because of diction, figurative language, and point of view.


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