Syntax Mistakes Of Arabs English Learners

December 15, 2021 by Essay Writer

Scommunicate using more than one language. Cummins (35) explains that threshold hypothesis is efficient in achieving language proficiency at three level. The levels are LL1, LL2 and LL3 meaning learner level 1, learner level 2, learner level 3. All these three levels are needed to gain cognitive language benefits. The Threshold Hypothesis lays out guiding principles that build a foundation of the model of bilingual programs. Such models of bilingual programs can be used to foster biliteracy for the achievement of academic success. However, it is imperative to note that learners can become orally bilingual without the achievement of cognitive benefits associated with biliteracy. Biliteracy, thus, facilitates a transfer of positive cross-linguistic because skills are developed at this stage. Threshold hypothesis is, therefore, effective in avoiding syntax mistakes in future.

Implementing Reading Strategies

Reading in one language totally differs from reading in another language. Particularly reading in the English language differs from reading in the Arabic Language. Therefore, learners need to know the reading strategy that is effective in one language and ineffective in a different language. As such, assumptions cannot be made that proficient readers, especially struggling readers can automatically transfer abilities to use those strategies from an Arab language to the English language. Different reading strategies can be used. Such strategies are comprehension and graphophonemic, and every strategy applies to a different language. (Cummins, 36).

Grasping Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills

Cummins (37) explains that Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills are efficient in foreign languages processes. In the transition from an Arab language to an English language, syntax mistakes can, therefore, be avoided. Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills are a body of the simplest English rules that can be acquired on a daily basis, in settings that are natural, without any formal instruction. What might generally be called context-rich language. Basic interpersonal communicative skills use verb forms that are simple, thus making the context easy to understand.

Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills adopt the following structures. First, skills incorporate the use of utterances that are in fragments or in memorized chunks. Secondly, the vocabulary consists of words that are of high-frequency with general meanings. Third, the verb forms are in a progressive aspect or in present tense. Fourth, topics of conversation are related to the here and now and are also embedded in their contexts. Generally, the language tends to be personal, conversational and egalitarian.

Both English and Arabic languages depend greatly on such skills. Models of acquisition of English literacy and learning difficulties could be applicable in understanding the same processes in Arabic. Particularly, the phonological deficit viewpoint. Such kind of variations can be applicable in identifying the English language models that can be used for better understanding by Arab learners in the avoidance of syntax mistakes.

Methods used while conducting research

Regression analysis

Regression analysis is the statistical method used in estimating the relationships between the Arab language and the English language and the effects of the syntax mistakes made when the techniques used in avoiding them are applied. Linear regression analysis is used to describe the relationship between the variables. The equation Y=a+bX is used where X explains the level of syntax mistakes made before the application, X represents the syntax mistakes, a represents the intercept of the variables while b the slope representing the progress expected. Regression analysis indicated that reading of pseudo-word is among the best indicators of variability, with a task of rhyme awareness that strongly predicts variation in levels of literacy that is consistent with the need of using skills of decoding letter-sound as well as those of phonological.


Interviews were also carried out mostly among the native Arab learners to inform the research study on the issues to be addressed. Interviews were done on 15 Arab learners from 6 different schools. The schools involved were of all levels, primary schools which constituted a large number of the interviewees, secondary schools and at the university level. An interview was carried on a one to one basis, and different assessments were done to evaluate the findings. The following questions constituted the interview:

What are the differences experienced in learning Arab language and English language?

What are the syntax mistakes made by Arab learners?

What can you deduce to be the possible causes of syntax mistakes made by Arab learners?

What techniques can be employed to avoid the syntax mistakes made by Arab learners in future?

Have the currently implemented strategies been effective?

Once, the data was collected, the data was evaluated and analyzed. Documentation of data followed and the responses given to the above questions constituted part of the research.

In conclusion, the research paper has identified syntax mistakes made by Arab learners in learning the English language. Some of these syntax mistakes can be avoided. However, given the techniques analyzed in the paper, syntax mistakes can be avoided in the future.


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