Rhetorical Analysis of Grapes of Wrath

May 31, 2021 by Essay Writer

Transitioning from one place to another can sometimes be a hassle. For example, if you are moving houses you have to pack the moving car and may forget to pack your bed the most essential item to most. Looking at the comparison between a book and a movie is a lot like from moving place to place. For example, Ford created the movie the Grapes of Wrath he forgot to add the beginning of the book that sets up the setting and environmental visual of the book. Next, everyone interprets everything differently like Ford rhetoric perspective of the book could be very different from the author of the book John Steinbeck rhetoric perspective. Personally I believe that the movie of Grapes of Wrath movie was better than the book because of the roles it showed between men and women and setting of the Dust Bowl. But one must analysis the following parts to make a final decision: the rhetorical significance of the novel, the similarities and differences between the novel and movie, and then the decision of the better of the two. First, one must view the rhetorical significance of the novel. The book demonstrated great significant value on family values.

Family values are the typical family of mom cooking and help feed and support family, grandparents providing wise and guidance, kids providing laughter and joy for the younger generation in all, and the dad supporting the family making sure nothing happens to the family and provide safety to all. This is exactly like how Steinbeck made the Joad family. The Joad family consists of Tom Joad the supportive but trouble seeker of the family, Ma Joad the caretaker and unifier of the family, Pa Joad the tenant farmer who is determined to find work and support the family, Grandpa Joad who has a deep connection the farm and is deeply sadden when the family has to move, Grandma Joad who has ever seeking aspirations to see California in it’s beautiful state, and finally Winfield Joad who is the young of the family and Ma Joad is consistently worrying about his wellbeing and growing up on a stable farm. For example Pa Joad exclaims “It’s a free country. In California they got high wages. ” ( CH 12).

This quote shows the sense of family value in the Joad family because Pa is usual supporting and having high hopes for the wellbeing of the family. Next, Steinbeck displays the role of men and women in the book very clearly and caring. First, Steinbeck creates Ma Joad as the ultimate caretaker of the family. By creating Ma this role Steinbeck takes the interpersonal relationship view of the Dust bowl to create her as women in the 1930’s. It gives the reader the knowledge and view how women acted in the 30. Also, he showed that the women’s role was to provide food, give mental support to the family, and care for all. But the mens role was very different. Steinbeck demonstrates the men’s role in Tom Joad. Tom is always looking to find a fair price for a home and safe place to live. He is always creating mischief to fight for his rights as a farmer and find a proper farming job to support the family. He consistently shows his support of the family throughout book. Lastly the most important rhetoric significance of the book is the way Steinbeck creates the setting. Steinbeck writes in Chapter 1, “The surface of the earth crusted, a thin hard crust, and the sky became pale, so the earth became pale, pink in the red country and white in the grey country. ” (CH 1). Steinbeck illustrates the exact setting of the book word for word. He visually creates the picture of the farm land with the thin crust resembling the hot dry soil of the farm fields and the pink sky creating a beautiful picture of the sunset or rise of the farm life. Although the rhetorical significance of the novel is a key to make a decision of the better of the two, it’s essential to compare and contrast the similarities of differences of the movie to the novel.

First, there are a lot of similarities that both the novel and movie share. Both the movie and novel show the interpersonal relationship Jim the preacher and Tom Joad. Like displayed in the movie Jim and Tom meet under the big oak tree right after Tom is released McAlester State Penitentiary. This scene takes place in chapter 4 in the book and early on in the movie. This really shows the theme that time changes people and their views. Like how Jim used to be a preacher at Tom’s church when he was a little boy and now doesn’t believe in the religion concept. Also, both movie and novel illustrate Tom has a guy who just got out of jail and is determined to provide for himself and soon his family and look at the world a little differently after his years in the jail. Next, both movie and book do an excellent job of representing the farmers and their families struggling in these hard times. Chapter 9 of the book and scene 13 demonstrates the struggle of the families most clearly. Most of the farmers are forced to pawn most of their items because they simply need the money and don’t have enough room to travel with them. All the farmers have no other option but to accept brokers who pay outrageously low wages because they are focusing on the support of structure of their family. Then, there are some major differences between the novel and the book. The movie begins with scence 1 when tom is walking along side of the road glazing at the farm fields and this is very different from the beginning of the book where it sets up the setting. Having Tom walk along the road in the movie I think sets up the movie. It shows the audience the setting of the and the condition of the farm. It gives the audience the view of character value placed on Tom during the movie.

Also, by having Tom walk in at the beginning of the movie shows the importance of males in the farming life. Next, the book opens with Chapter1 describing the setting of the book and giving the audience a mental picture of where the story will take place and in the movie it does not show this at all. I believe chapter is very important to add in a story line. This chapter sets up the whole book for the audience. For example this quote from the book displays some of the setting, “ In the middle of that night the wind passed and left the land quiet. The dust-filled air muffled sound more completely then fog. ” (CH 1) This really encompasses the meaning of the land and the rough damage wind and dry soil can do to the family’s living conditions. Although the similarities and differences of the novel and movie are important the most essential part is which of these provide the greater effect on people. I believe the movie is better than the book. I think this because of the visual effect of the movie. I am a visual person so the movie connected with me. The movie showed great emotions of all the people. It was very clear the attitude of Ma Joad after scene 12 when grandma dies. Ma is fed up with everything and just wants a home for the family and wants everyone to be safe and happy. Next the movie really captures the audience with the setting. The setting really connected with me because it’s the base of every story. I thought Ford did an excellent job displaying the fields and showing how the wind overtook the land. Also, I like the dusty environment and the emphasize on the cars Ford showed. He showed the value of cars a lot in their society.

The cars were like the building blocks for their life. The Joad family would have never thrived without the car taking them to each farm looking for work and sustainable housing. Next, the I’ll be there speech in the movie delivered by Tom puts the message of the movie into play ( SC 23). He states he that he needs to leave to provide his family with safety. He says he will be there in spirit where ever the family travels. Finally, I feel that in rhetoric value that the movie was better than the book because it depicts the emotions of the characters, the basic needs of the setting of the story, the value of cars during the dustbowl, and finally the spirit and passion Tom displays for his family throughout the book. In conclusion, the movie is better than the book. I decided on this claim by reviewing the rhetorical analysis of the novel, similarities and differences of the novel and movie, and the rhetorical explanation of how the movie is better than the novel.

So, why watch the movie one may ask, simply because it best describes the effects of the dust bowl on farmers and the connection of these families at these hard times. Comparing a book and movie is key to looking effects and different viewpoints of people. This analysis and show us why something is said or why there is importance on a certain part of a scene. Finally, the analysis of the novel of Grapes of Wrath and the movie display the importance of character relationship, setting, and value of items in a society.

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