Plagiarism Elimination in Academic Writing Essay

July 25, 2022 by Essay Writer

Plagiarism is a serious issue in academic writing. It can lead to a loss of reputation, financial fees, and expulsion from universities if discovered in a student paper. There are several types of plagiarism most commonly encountered by scholars. These types are as follows:

  • Direct plagiarism. This type of plagiarism is the easiest to detect, as it involves directly copying large swaths of text from other works without alterations or citations (“The most common types of plagiarism,” n.d.).
  • Self-plagiarism. Involves the inclusion of materials from one’s previous work without notifying anyone (“The most common types of plagiarism,” n.d.).
  • Patchwork plagiarism. The utilization of short phrases and bits of text without proper citation is considered plagiarism (“The most common types of plagiarism,” n.d.). It is more difficult to detect than direct plagiarism and is considered to be a form of paraphrasing.
  • Unintentional plagiarism. Often occurs when a student commits an unintentional citation mistake, forgets to cite sources, or when the line or a phrase used in a text matches someone else’s work accidentally (“The most common types of plagiarism,” n.d.).

Typically, students resort to plagiarism to present other peoples’ thoughts as their own. To reduce the likelihood of plagiarism, a student must be diligent with their citations and use plagiarism checkers to scan their papers, before submitting them. plays an important role in supporting this endeavor. It contains a database that can be cross-checked for plagiarism and prevent such occurrences from happening.


The common types of plagiarism (n.d.). Web.

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