How the Character of a Person Affects the Person’s Action as Depicted in Nimo Ricci’s Book Lives of a Saint

June 23, 2022 by Essay Writer

In literature, a person’s character dictates the choice that ultimately decides the course of the individual’s life and people surrounding the individual. In the book Lives of the Saints by Nino Ricci the character Cristina Innocente life drastically changes immediately following the affair. . A person’s character influences the actions the individual performs; however it can result in consequences that can impact the individual, and the others around them. Cristina’s personality negatively influences people around her. This is seen through her rebellious nature, sensitivity and strong will.

When Cristina Innocente rebellious nature reaches the peak point, she is unaware its impact on her and others. This quote shows how Cristina’s strong beliefs against superstitions make her rebel against the townspeople superstitious beliefs. “Giuseppi, you’re not serious! A good God-fearing women like you talking to me about these stupidaggini!” (Ricci 57). The marginalization leads Vittorio to become more naïve and this are seen in his actions .He attempts to save his mother, by attempting to make a cure. The grandfather is destroyed politically and emotionally. He comes more depressed, the effects of the isolation eventually make him resent Cristina; for having the affair, and refusing to make amends. This is seen when he begins to cope with the depression with alcohol, and refuses to acknowledge her during dinner time. He resigns from the position of mayor as a result of isolation, because he loses his self-confidence when he begins to think that he is unfit to be the mayor. The reason being is that he thinks if he cannot control Cristina, then he cannot control the rest of the townspeople. Cristina becomes more withdrawn, and goes to places such as her garden that offers her a place of security; from the rest of society who shuns her, and to get away from problems at home. She distances herself, from people in her life. This leads to her son seeking La Maestra, to be a mother figure in his life. Cristina’s rebelliousness essentially leads to Vittorio losing his innocence, because he realizes that life is not perfect; as he faces trials such as losing relationship he had with his mother. Cristina is overwhelmed and try’s to escape her problems by leaving the village. Grandfather changes from a well-respected man, to someone who is an outsider in the town. Cristina’s rebellious nature changes the characters, when the characters become more isolated because Cristina refused to make amends.

Cristina sensitive nature is very impulsive, and leads her to make decisions that affect others negatively. This quote shows how Cristina sensitivity makes her very protective of the people she loves, to the point she is does anything to protect the people she cares for. “You tell your Vincenzo, that if he lays another finger on my son I’ll tear out your eyes and feed them to the dogs! dogs!” (Ricci 109). Cristina shows that she loves her son, and does not want her son to suffer because of her, so she left the village. Vittorio is desperate to stop being marginalized; he is willing to be initiated into Alfredo’s gang; because he believed the cure worked. This shows that he is very innocent, and can be easily tricked, because Cristina’s sensitivity toward Vittorio hinders him from growing. This can be seen when him, and mother share the same bed. The grandfather loses his family, when Cristina and Vittorio leave the village. Grandfather turns Cristina’s sensitivity to anger, even though Cristina tries to make peace with her father, before she had left for Canada. It shows how conditional the love the grandfather has for Cristina, and reflects the town’s narrow mindedness. This is ironic how grandfather calls everyone betrayers, but he had betrayed Cristina. Cristina has unconditional love for Vittorio, and is willing to endure the pain of isolation for him. Vittorio could become cynical toward people, because of his experiences with the town such as the initiation. Grandfather could live a miserable life alone, because he did not make peace with Cristina and loses Vittorio his heir. Cristina’s sensitive nature can have long term negative effects that impact the future of the characters.

Cristina’s strong will makes her determined not to surrender to the beliefs of the townspeople. This quote shows that Cristina’s strong will, makes her blind from seeing the suffering of others. “Now people come to my house like they go to the circus, to laugh at the clowns! You killed me Cristina, you killed your mother when you were born and now you’ve killed me, as surely as if you’d pulled a knife across my throat” (Ricci 145). Cristina’s strong will make her very stubborn. Her strong belief not to succumb to the beliefs shows that she feels trapped in the village; leading her to wanting to leave the village because she wants a new start, and freedom. The grandfather’s reputation is ruined as he loses control over his life. When Cristina refused to give into the townspeople superstitious beliefs, it destroys his grandfather’s pride. As he begins to realize that he has no say in her life, which contrasts to his previous reputation as authoritative figure in the town. Vittorio has no closure in Valle Del Sole because he leaves all his friends and other personal relationships; because he feels that he and his mother were forced to leave the village, without having the time to process that they were leaving the town. That is why on the boat to Canada, he asked Cristina if the grandfather was going to die when they were gone. Cristina’s strong will end with unresolved feelings for all of the characters, because the characters were never able to have closure.

Cristina’s personality destroys the lives of the people surrounding her: Vittorio, grandfather, and herself. This is seen through her rebellious nature, strong will, and sensitivity. Cristina’s rebelliousness leads to her ultimately leaving the village, because of her strong beliefs. Cristina’s sensitivity shows that she is very emotional, and acts impulsively without thinking of the effects. Cristina’s strong will make her ignorant to the suffering of others, because she was determined to not let the villagers see her suffer.

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