
How “Adam and Eve” came to be

February 4, 2021 by Essay Writer

Is Genesis History was about how creationist had points of view on how the world got created. One of my points has been that God created the heavens and the Earth, fully formed and functioning in six twenty four hour days. I liked what George Grant (pastor) stated in the movie/documentary, Is Genesis History? Because I think that he has very strong wording to what happened in the beginning of times like the flood because in the bible it clearly tells us that the flood actually happened even though some people and because he knows more about how the world got created and how long it took and he knows that there is sin in the world because of Adam and Eve. He also knows the reality of the founding fathers, how “Adam and Eve” came to be.

I also really liked what he said, because he knows what he is saying about creationism. He is a pastor who has a Ph.D. and went to school and learned all of this important information.(Evolutionist)think that the world just came to be but in reality the world got created by God Pastor Grant stated “There are two good reasons we know they were real. First, there are reliable historical accounts. Second, we can see the results of their actions in our world today. Adam and Eve are no different. Some people say, however, that they were made up to serve a theological function. They want to replace the history recorded in the Bible with a different history, one that says “Adam” and “Eve” represent our first human-like ancestors that lived millions of years ago. Saying this is like denying the reality of our founding fathers. Adam and Eve are essential for understanding the history of the world. Without them, there can be no history”(Is Genesis History).

Apparently, you can be both an evolutionist and creationist because in the website they said this, “Clearly, Bill Nye is an evolutionist, and Ken Ham is a creationist—with two opposing religions. “But, what is the best way to describe the view of Francis Collins? Does he have more in common with Ken Ham because they both believe in God? If so, that would make Collins more like a creationist. Or does he have more in common with Bill Nye because they both have essentially the same view on evolution?” “If so, that would make him more like the evolutionist. Is the greater contrast between evolutionary creation and young earth creation or between theistic and atheistic evolution”(Is Genesis History)?

Bill Nye is an atheist who believes in molecules-to-man evolution, the Big Bang, millions of years, and common ancestry, and who rejects young earth creation, Noah’s Flood, and intelligent design. He fully embraces evolutionary theory and believes God had nothing to do with it because he rejects the notion that God exists. Francis Collins is a well-known scientist who professes to be a Christian. He also believes in molecules-to-man evolution, the Big Bang, millions of years, and common ancestry, and he rejects young earth creation, Noah’s Flood, and has been critical of intelligent design. He fully embraces evolution and argues that the evidence for molecules-to-man evolution is compelling—even though we cannot observe or repeat evolution! I think that Ken Ham is a Christian who believes God created all things in a total of six days. He doesn’t like molecules-to-man evolution, the Big Bang, millions of years, and common ancestry. I like that he believes in earth creation, Noah’s Flood, and Adam and Eve.

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