Fantastic in “Véra” by Villiers de l’Isle-Adam Term Paper

November 17, 2021 by Essay Writer

The fantastic in Véra

Vera is an example of how a reader is drawn into a fantastic storyline. At first, I found myself shaking my head in disbelief at the way the story was unfolding but later on was fully engrossed in finding out how this storyline would end. A fantastic work of fiction such as Vera is defined as a story whose clarity comes either from the reader’s understanding of the story which can only be explained by understanding its supernatural tones.

Count d’Athol denying the fact of his wife’s death

The count sadly locks himself away from the real world to help himself come to terms with his wife’s death. This instead sends him into varying descents of madness and sanity until he finally comes to his senses and accepts that she is dead and will never return. He tries to bring her back by living only in the room where they had their most happiness and reliving each moment of life that they had together within those 4 walls. Through his despair and imagination, he manages to bring her back to life in certain instances which can last even days at a time.

The key to the afterlife

By finding the key to his wife’s tomb, the answer to his question “What path can lead me to you now? Show me the road that can lead me to you.” I believe that he shall return to the tomb of his wife, only this time, in such a manner that he will finally be able to join her in the afterlife, in death. He smiles because he knows that his wish, to be with his beloved once again will finally happen. He smiles in anticipation of finally joining her in the afterlife.

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