Discussion on Why Chris Mccandless Should Be Admired

March 14, 2022 by Essay Writer

Christopher McCandless should be recognized for living as he wanted and living by his ideas. Chris was a middle-class kid with supportive parents and a college education. He lived as he wanted and on the ways, he helped and inflicted pain into people. His purity and mysterious beliefs made him friends on his journey across America, but his stubbornness caused others pain, he inflicted pain into his parents who worked to get him opportunities but he treated them as if they were dirt. He should be admired in the sense that he was brave and smart, in society but stupid in his preparedness for nature. He is now dead, we wouldn’t be talking about him if he were alive be that’s the case, what causes a guy with such intelligence, such stupidity in a matter of months, yes he was stupid but he should be admired for his bravery, purity, and independence.

Chris McCandless’s purity and mysterious beliefs mesmerized the lives of people he came in contact with alone his journey. For example, when the Westerberg’s first meet Chris Mary Westerberg was not interested in Chris’s journey or ideals, to her Chris was just an idiot worker on her farm. But after Mary had a chance to talk to Chris her perspective of him completely changed, after a conversation with Chris filled with honesty and purity Mary’s opinion on Chris change. “There was something fascinating about him, explains Mrs. Westerberg […] Unlike most of us, he was the sort of person who insisted on living out his beliefs”. Mary Westerberg was not sure about Chris based on his social status and beliefs “she wasn’t really enthusiastic about meeting Chris” but soon she realized none of that matters after having a five-hour nonstop conversation with Chris. Chris was an admired by others because of his purity although others believed going into the Alaskan forest was a bad idea he followed through with his plan, although it turned out bad. His purity is what attracted people to him like the Westerbergs or the Burres, his purity and honesty is what helped him make friendships along his journey. Yes, Chris may have died, but the friendships and memories he engraved in people in such a short amount of time are what makes him outgoing and admirable.

Although Chris McCandless’ purity made him friendships, his independence is what made him brave. Throughout Chris’s life, he strived on independence, seen as early as high school. In the summer of 1990, he packed up his Datsun and traveled to America. Chris was never afraid to take risks, he was a risk taker. Chris paddled down the Colorado River into the Gulf of Mexico in a canoe. He was brave enough to spend a month and a few days in the Ocean by himself. “He had not seen or talked to another soul in 36 days. For that entire period, he subsisted on five pounds of rice and what marine life he could pull for the sea, an experience that would later convince him he could survive on similarly meager rations in the Alaskan bush.” This shows how independent and brave Chris was a person, he spent 36 days alone in the middle of the ocean with only 5 pounds of rice and fish he caught. Despite the great danger, Chris followed his heart and did as he pleased, knowing his lack of experience he did it because he wanted to be independent. Chris was self-dependent in the sense that he did everything by himself. “His gear seemed exceedingly minimal for the harsh conditions of the interior… He had no ax, no bug dope, no snowshoes, no compass”. This shows that if Chris did not buy it or make it he would not take it with him, that why he carried so light because he only wants supplies that he bought or made, showing how independent and brave he was. He survived a month in the ocean by himself and never needed anyone else’s help.

Christopher McCandless has impacted a lot of people along his journey in good and bad ways, but who he impacts most is his weeping family. Chris’s was very stubborn and the inability to connect with the parents causes him to leave home. Talking the trip into the wild, he left his mother, father, and sister behind, he had a very supportive family who supported him in everything he did, but Chris didn’t like his parents which he left wondering, where he was after he cut all communication. “How is it… that a kid with so much compassion could cause his parents so much pain”. Although Chris was open towards strangers he showed a bitter attitude toward his parents causing them endless pain. This quote shows that Chris didn’t care whatsoever about his parents and that the problem was not his parents it was him, his parents now have to live with the agony of knowing their son/brother. After Chris’s death his family still hasn’t had closure, his sister Carine, “Carine still grieves deeply for her brother. “I can’t seem to get through the day without crying, she says with a look of puzzlement”, and it doesn’t get any easier for his mother “as she studies the picture, she breaks down from time to time, weeping as only a mother who has outlived a child can weep”. The fact that his family hasn’t gotten over his death years later is heartbreaking, how could such a smart kid, make such a dumb decision, his family will always live with the grief they will never be the same after his death. This shows that Chris is stubborn because he doesn’t think about his family at the time of him leaving and now they will be heartbroken forever. Yes Chris has done good for a lot of people but also bad for others, he is stupid in the sense that he didn’t tell anyone where he was going or that he didn’t pack enough supplies not knowing how long he would be gone, he fails to acknowledge the dangers of isolating himself from society ultimately leading to his death.

Although Chris McCandless will not be seen by most as a hero, some will admire his purity as a human. He had his ideas and he acted upon his beliefs. In any case, Chris accomplished something that numerous individuals would never have the ability to do which is life freely. He was humble within the picture of a greater world in which he attempted to discover a spot that sat ideal inside himself. He may have died, but he died living his dream. McCandless penned a brief adios: “I HAVE HAD A HAPPY LIFE AND THANK THE LORD. GOODBYE AND MAY GOD BLESS ALL!” 

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