Characteristics Of An Entrepreneur Comparing Donald Trump And Joanne Rowling’s

May 6, 2022 by Essay Writer

Why he chose to become an entrepreneur

Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump was a very successful man in the real estate industry which is what influenced him to enter that industry and follow in his father’s footsteps. Donald Trump then went on to owning his own properties, hotels, golf courses etc. Throughout his life he has pursued other industries and career paths such as television hosting, writing his own books and politics which led him to being elected as the 45th president of the United States in 2016.

Characteristics of an entrepreneur

Donald Trump has a charismatic personality and a way of getting people on his side which is what has made him been able to successfully own over 500 businesses. This characteristic is also what put him into presidency. His other qualities overshadow the successes he has made. He has been identified as someone who is racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic which has caused a lot of hate towards him by many people in and outside of the United States. When people speak badly on his actions and words that he says, he does not accept the truth and retaliates by speaking badly to and about them, for example how he refers to his political opponent Hillary Clinton as ‘Crooked Hillary’.

Difference/role this entrepreneur has made/played

Although Donald Trump has been successful as a businessman and has been elected and supported by citizens of the United States, there are still many people who publicy dislike him and speak against him because of his character. He has offended many people all over the world who do not support him

Why she chose to become an entrepreneur

Joanne Rowling’s parents loved reading books which inspired her love for reading and her dreams of wanting to write her own one day and wrote fer first book at the age of six. What really made her pursue writing and becoming an author was when she was unemployed, raising a child on her own and was clinically depressed and suicidal.

Characteristics of a good entrepreneur

Joanne Rowling persevered in the face of adversity. She was rejected several times by book publishers but despite this, she kept trying until finally, she got her book published. She is creative and talented in what she does and now has many people all over the world knowing her name because of her famous Harry Potter Series.

Difference/role this entrepreneur made/played

JK Rowling is a woman that many look up to. Her story inspires others to work hard for their success even when it seems as if all odds are against you. She has a talent and passion for writing and stroytelling and turned it into a career which has brought her an incredible amount of recognition and success. Her novels and stories are loved by many all over the world because of how she manages to captivate the reader into the books. The Harry Potter movie series were also a huge success that have been viewed by many people.

Reasons for becoming an entrepreneur

Patruce Motsepes father introduced him to entrepreneurship at a young age through him runnjng a small spaza shop to sell alcohol to mine workers. He then grew up to stidy a law degree and got offered a jop position as a south african law firm, Bowman Filfillan. Patrice Motsepe was a visiting attorney to McGuire Woods law firm in thr USA where he met with mining organizations and found a great interest in their work and began studying the mining business industry. He saw several opportunities in the mining industry that few had noticed at the time and decided to start his own mining firm called Future Mining.

Difference/role this entrepreneur has made/played

At the time of the early point in his career, the price of gold was falling and Patruce Motsepe strategized a way to overcome this challenge and was successful in doing so within the first year of taking over the mines. With the help of Anglo Platinum, Patrice Motsepe created a large platinum producing company in South Africa which is known as Modikwa.

Characteristics of an entrepreneur

Patrice Motsepe can be identified a resilient, driven, hard working, passionate businessman. He has a desire to grow and learn and is also a ris taker who strives for what he wants to achieve.

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