
Business Ethics and Its Importance Nowadays Case Study

November 26, 2020 by Essay Writer


One realizes the fact that the modern age could be characterized by the blistering growth of various kinds of business followed by the increase of the importance of money and incomes. Under these conditions, a great number of various companies accept profit as their main goal, trying to increase the level of incomes forgetting about various issues. However, the given situation could lead to the collapse of the whole sector.

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First of all, it should be said that the issue of business ethics is very important under modern conditions. There are several reasons for this statement. First of all, one realizes the fact that trying to obtain great incomes various companies could forget about ethics and switch to unfair practices. It will obviously have the great negative impact on the whole sphere and lead to the decrease of the tempos of its development. Realizing the great threat and companys adherence to unfair practices, new businessmen will lose their desire to work in the given sphere.

Additionally, it is also very important not to forget about such issues as moral and honesty. There is the idea that profit is the main aim of any business. However, using this pattern, companies forget about ethically right actions that lead to the increase of the level of satisfaction of their customers (Marcoux, 2008). It is a very threatening tendency which could result in the collapse of the whole sector. Being not satisfied with the quality of the provided services, people might prefer use some other remedy.


With this in mind, it is possible to make a certain conclusion. The issue of business ethics is very important nowadays and companies should adhere to its main concept in order to guarantee the further development of the given sector.


A Framework for Ethical Decision Making. (n.d.). Web.

Marcoux, A. (2008). Business Ethics. Web.

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