British imperial policy and The Stamp Act

April 7, 2022 by Essay Writer

By 1763, the American colonies were becoming increasily divided from Britain. Over the next 13 years, new imperial policies led the colonies to Revolution and Independence. From 1763 and 1776 Britain began to enforce new taxes and establish restriction on colonial life; these changes led the colonies to establish new values and later to the Declaration of Independence from Britain.

After the French and Indians War England tries to avoid wars, so in 1763 they sign the Proclamation Act, in which is written that the colonist should not settle on western side of the Appalachian mountains and the Indians should not go eastward, to create a useful barrier to keep them separated.

This is seen by the colonist as an offence to their expansion and economic growth, but there is no real reaction from the colonies. The silence continues for the next few Act, which increase taxes on things of primary necessity as sugar and molasses.

But the disagreement led some people, as John Adams or Benjamin Franklin, to try to find a solution, until the Stamp Act in1765 is imposed and the colonist start to protest.

They decided to stop buying English goods, and some organized a secret society, the Sons of Liberty, to terrorize the agents of the British who were trying to take taxes. Colonist feared to lose every right of freeborn Englishmen, and that they would simply be slaves of the Parliament.

In addition in 1765 England passed the Quarting Act, which imposed to the colonies to host and provide with what they wanted any soldier that needed a place to stay. England thought that this was a good way to keep the colonies controlled and don’t spend more money. The colonies were so angry, they couldn’t accept that all their work would be spent by others, that they tried to make a new Glorious Revolution. As a response, England in 1766 repeal the Sugar and Stamp Acts. However to remember who had the control, England sign the Declaratory Act, in which was said that the Parliament

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