Analysis Of Julius Caesar’s Character In William Shakespeare’s Play

June 22, 2022 by Essay Writer

William Shakespeare’s early writing aims to advance a philosophy of history. It asks how kingdoms are built and destroyed. The author approaches theater as a tool which might potentially elucidate key events by studying important players. For example, Julius Caesar forefronts that corruption which converts Rome’s great senatorial government into a totalitarian empire. Its title character represents a leader who struggles between the forces of moral principles within himself and the political authority of a corrupted government.

Julius Caesar draws in his greatness, his victories but has conflict within himself. Caesar displays a caring side to the common people of Rome, amidst the suspicions of the conspirators. It seemed that his focus was that of Rome, his wife, the people and noble Brutus, his friend. But he struggles with the decision of either taking care of the Roman people or marveling in the glory he has, using it to his benefit. Caesar plunges into this glory and his pride for having such power flaws him. “Your wisdom is consumed in confidence”. Julius Caesar ends up allowing this fame to cloud his views, his judgment, and his morals. Such power held made him dangerous to the senate. Greed and ambition are flaws he endures for having much power while striving to remain true to himself. Julius Caesar’s pride affects his ethics; he gains the favor of the Roman people to rise to power. He becomes ignorant and eager for glorification. His loyalty to Brutus, trusting the senators above his self, made him vulnerable.

Rome undergoes political strife. Julius Caesar had garnered much fame from victories that the politicians within his senate loathed him. These politicians were not too fond of the Roman commoners whom Caesar seemed fond of. Two senators, Cassius and Brutus, mainly wanted to end Caesar’s reign and who they claimed was ambitious. “Caesar’s ambition shall be glanced at / For we will shake him”. But the people saw Caesar as an alternative to the governmental corruption within Rome. Though it seemed like he was breaking the law, idealistic views of Brutus and jealousy from Cassius, pointed to extremes to end his reign. Rome’s senatorial government valued republican political standards. The people were not against Caesar by any means, his senators were. To the elite within the senate, a dictatorship destroyed their old traditional values; they feared Caesar. This fear leads to political instability. Rome’s corrupted government only made matters worse by trying to justify the reasons for killing Caesar and destroyed what power they may have been able to use for the glory of Rome.

Julius Caesar is a unique character in William Shakespeare’s play. The struggle between morality and authority questions if Caesar brought good to Rome or caused the republic’s downfall, was heroic or ambitious. His triumphant feats, while having totalitarian control over ethnic groups, strengthens the Roman republic and his dictatorial rule converts Rome into an empire. Julius Caesar’s reign not only considers as one of the most fascinating, but rather, one of the most revolutionizing of its time.

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